Travel and discover the territory
Activities with naturalistic and cultural itineraries that offer various excursions to the National Parks located in the Calabrian territory (Sila National Park and Polino Park) with the guidance of park rangers and environmental experts.
Viaggi alla scoperta di una terra di bellezza e di sapori da esplorare ammirando splendidi scenari calabresi baciati dal sole, tra le spiagge dorate della Riviera dei Cedri, l’isola di Dino e l’isola di Cirella, la macchia mediterranea, profumata e rigogliosa, e i pini marittimi che nascondono piccole chiesette, resti archeologici e torri di vedetta che si alternano a insenature nascoste, lambite da un’acqua limpida e invitante con fondali ricchi di tesori sommersi.

Between the sea and the mountains, touching places and views so different from each other that it seems incredible that they are so close together.
The itineraries – which highlight the geological, morphological, landscape and floral peculiarities of the territory – are also suitable for children and younger people ready to learn something new about the environment around them.
I Percorsi Verde sono adatti per chi desidera ammirare luoghi incontaminati e restare a contatto con la natura alla riscoperta del territorio calabrese tra emozioni, profumi, colori, suoni e panorami mozzafiato tramite vie e itinerari unici.
Between the sea and the mountains, touching places and views so different from each other that it seems incredible that they are so close together.
Travel through guided itineraries to discover unique landscapes in the world, where the sky kisses the sea with fairytale scenery, wide views and indescribable views.
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