Our courses
The courses
- The levels are: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced.
- The modalities are: 2 week course – 4 week course.
The Levels
Elementary Course (Level A1 + A2)
Intermediate Course (Level B1 + B2)
Advanced Course (Level C1 + C2)
The addresses
Standard Group Courses
The Standard Group Course: 72 hours of classroom lessons + 60 hours of cultural courses, divided into:
5 lessons of 4 hours each, from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 12:30, for a total of 20 hours per week; 20 hours per week of educational and cultural courses, including craft lessons and excursions and trips in the area.
The Italian culture lessons (Paths) are developed in areas related to: local crafts (ceramics, dance, etc.), food and wine (e.g. pasta, bread, pizza, wine, oil, etc.), art history, literature, music, philosophy, history.
Excursions: Activities to discover the territory (Guest trips and tours in 8 municipalities of the Calabria region in collaboration with local institutions and associations)
The tours are organized by the co-ordination of the school, in collaboration with the UNPLI National Association of Pro loco and different public Institutions and private partners.
Corsi di Gruppo per la preparazione agli esami PLIDA
Il corso di preparazione all’esame PLIDA è progettato per coloro che necessitano di ottenere una certificazione della lingua italiana Livello B1 e B2, sia per motivi di studio, lavoro, permesso di soggiorno o cittadinanza, oppure per coloro che desiderano valutare la propria competenza nella lingua italiana.
Il corso si articola in 72 ore di lezioni frontali + 60 ore di percorsi culturali, è suddiviso in:
5 lezioni frontali di 4 ore ciascuna, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle ore 8:30 alle ore 12:30, per un totale di 20 ore settimanali;
20 ore settimanali di percorsi didattici e culturali, tra lezioni di artigianato ed escursioni e viaggi sul territorio.
The Italian culture lessons (Paths) are developed in areas related to: local crafts (ceramics, dance, etc.), food and wine (e.g. pasta, bread, pizza, wine, oil, etc.), art history, literature, music, philosophy, history.
Excursions: Activities to discover the territory (Guest trips and tours in 8 municipalities of the Calabria region in collaboration with local institutions and associations)
The tours are organized by the co-ordination of the school, in collaboration with the UNPLI National Association of Pro loco and different public Institutions and private partners.
The Modes