Belvedere marittimo
A magic triangle that encloses an area of 37 square kilometers along the Tirreno Cosentino. At the base of a rich and enchanting riviera, at the summit of the Montea with his 1785 metres of height.
Inside the unique scenarios of different environments, of which the observer can enjoy.
These lands have hosted a lot of history and great civilization, of which today we can admire the remains more or less consistent.
You will go for the first populations Bretie and Italiote, then the Greeks and the Romans, the Lombards, and Normans, then the Swabians and Angevins, Aragonese, Spanish and French up to the formation of the Unity of Italy.
At the top, dominated by a Castle built, and modernized several times, by the Angevins and the Aragonese, that if they fought often in epic battles such as the one in 1289, in which the prince Roger repelled the assault of James of Aragon.
The intricate maze of streets and alleys that make up the village offers, to the eye of the visitor, a beautiful and unique attraction.
The population, once settled along the coast, they were forced to retire on the places in the hills to defend against the raids and invasions of the turks who lived in the coastal areas of Northern Africa.
Also the people of Belvedere worked the same choice with the new hilltop settlement.
The Medieval was a time of walls that around and the access to which was secured by four gates at strategic points of the hill:
- The Gate of the Sea, and as an outpost for the defence from the rangers-pirates:
- La Porta degli Orti, frequentata dai contadini e dai produttori di generi alimentari, nonché posto di controllo daziario; –
- The Door of the Squarethat was the most important because of its connection between the heart of the activities, working along the way to Florello Dini, and the wide spaces of social life;
- La Porta del Praio o del Fosso, posta a presidio della parte alta del Borgo, a ridosso del fossato che isolava il Castello dal resto del paese.
The houses in the village
How to get there
Belvedere Marittimo is located in the Region of Calabria, province of Cosenza.
L’opzione migliore è quella di prendere l’aereo per Aeroporto di Lamezia Terme e da lì il treno per Belvedere Marittimo, oppure prendere un auto a noleggio per andare ad Belvedere Marittimo utilizzare oppure un bus per dirigersi ad Belvedere Marittimo.
In questa MAPPA sono evidenziati gli itinerari per come arrivare in auto, bus o in bici a Belvedere Marittimo, da qualsiasi parte d’Italia, seguendo le indicazioni stradali, in rosso il percorso principale, in blu il percorso alternativo.
Also you will know the distance and the time needed to make the journey.
The province of Cosenza is one of the most populous of Italy, and is the eighth in Italy. With its 228 miles of coastline, the province of Cosenza occupies 44, 1% of the surface of the Calabriain practice, almost all of the central portion and northern parts of the region.
The territory is very particular, characterized mainly by mountains and hills.
Si estende dalla costa ionica, a Est, a quella tirrenica a Ovest, dal Massiccio del Pollino a Nord, all’Altopiano della Sila grande a Sud-Est.
Ci sono anche pianure, come quella di Sibari, e grandi valli, ad esempio quella del Crati.
Hilly terrain sloping to the North and East of the Sila Greek.
The whole is characterized by a great variety, even coast-to-coast, and over every mountain massif. The visitor remains bewildered and fascinated at the same time.
The territory cosentino, like the rest of Calabria, bears the marks of the historical developments, sinceprehistoric times. On the coast can still be found neolithic sites that contain ancient human stories.
The ways of the water have been a connection precious since the time of ancient Greece and during the roman era.
Nel Medioevo la zona di Cosenza fu terra di conquista Bizantina, che portò benefici all’economia del territorio con l’introduzione di tecniche agricole e della produzione sericola, e favorì l’aggregazione sociale delle popolazioni presenti.
The effects are still seen today in the architecture is elegant and refined, as well as left a trace in the following centuries the The normans, the Angevins, the Aragonese and the Spanish.